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wilmink theatre

pr image The Christmas Dinner by Wilmink Theatre

In Enschede, I realised again how important own actors are for a city theatre

It is one of my worst guilty pleasures. Egg salad from the better-filled mayonnaise manufacturer from Twente, with a close second to their tuna salad. I can't get enough of those. And now let them have both of those on the table at Het Kerstdiner in Theater Kleine Willem in Enschede. Chic is different, but in the... 

Golden theatre formula attracts unreachable audience - Hundreds of students at Huize Enschede theatre series

Hoe krijg je jonge mensen in je zaal? Vrijwel ieder theater worstelt met die vraag. Bran Remie (35), programmeur en theatermaker bij Wilminktheater en Muziekcentrum Enschede, lukt het. Met de online en offline theaterserie Huize Enschede, over het studentenleven in die stad. Studenten zijn moeilijk naar het theater te krijgen. Theaters doen hun best, met gerichte marketing en speciale acties… 

I was in Sander Schimmelpenninck's country and didn't just see fascists

Almelo has been on the map for a few years now thanks to theatre. I went to see Van Katoen en Water on Thursday, an open-air spectacle with well-timed downpour and a full-moon rise like you can only experience in the almost gentrified old-industrial heart of Twente's poorest city. Mashed potatoes were served beforehand, with a johmas salad. Wine flowed profusely. In... 

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