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Colonial collections returned to Indonesia and Sri Lanka

The Netherlands is returning 478 cultural objects at the request of Indonesia and Sri Lanka. During the colonial period, these objects ended up in the Netherlands unjustly, through looting or coercion, for example. State Secretary Uslu (Culture and Media) has decided on the return. In doing so, she is following the very first recommendations of the Colonial Collections Committee chaired by Lilian Gonçalves-Ho Kang You. The works... 

National Archives,, inv. 154 (Caption: Register on the Rekwesten tot den uitvoer van Slaven van het Jaar 1834-1835)


Searching for information on persons who lived in slavery on Aruba and Sint Eustatius has become easier with the online posting of two indexes and corresponding scans of colonial archives. The indexes can be searched from 30 June on the website of the Archivo Nacional Aruba (ANA) and on the website of the National Archives. In the index Aruba: slavery... 

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'Peace, trust and continuity central to cultural subsidies'

Fair remuneration, trust in the cultural sector and less administrative burden are among the main principles for the cultural subsidy period 2025 - 2028. State Secretary Uslu (Culture and Media) thus wants to bring as much peace to the sector as possible in the coming years. She is also tackling a number of bottlenecks, for example in the youth performing arts. She is largely following the advice of the Council of... 

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Streaming services to invest 5% turnover in Dutch productions

Major streaming services operating in the Netherlands will start investing 5% of their Dutch annual turnover in Dutch productions. The House of Representatives has agreed to a bill by state secretary Gunay Uslu (Culture and Media). Thanks to this investment, more money will be available for making Dutch offerings. With this measure, state secretary Uslu wants to ensure that enough... 

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Winners of the Jos Brink Prize 2023

Minister Dijkgraaf (OCW) presented the Jos Brink Prize at the DeLaMar Theatre in Amsterdam on Sunday 4 June. The Oeuvre Award was presented to the volunteer ambassadors of the Roze50+ foundation. The Innovation Award was presented to Paul van Dorst of the Roze Kameraden, a lhbtiq+ supporters' club of Feyenoord. The Jos Brink Prize consists of two government awards that go every two years... 

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Potential of broadcasting ensembles could be better exploited

The Radio Philharmonic Orchestra and the Groot Omroepkoor are of great value to the Dutch music landscape as a whole and the Netherlands Public Broadcasting Service (NPO) in particular. But their potential could be better exploited. To seize the opportunities for live music on public broadcasting and reach a more diverse audience, new cooperation agreements are needed. Also, there should be... 

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Dick Oostinga deputy chairman Restitutions Committee

Dick Oostinga, member of the Restitutions Committee, will temporarily lead the Restitutions Committee on Nazi looted art as deputy chairman. Last week, chairman Jacob Kohnstamm and deputy chairman Els Swaab submitted their resignations. State Secretary Uslu (Culture and Media) appointed Oostinga as deputy chairman from 1 February. The position is vacant because chairman Jacob Kohnstamm and deputy chairman Els Swaab resigned last... 

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Culture budget for MBO students

MBO schools with a MBO culture card receive a culture budget from the central government. With this, their students can, for instance, go to museums, visit theatrical performances or go to a concert. This was announced by Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf (Education) and State Secretary Gunay Uslu (Culture) during a tour of the Rijksmuseum with mbo students. A total of 5 million euros is available for the mbo culture budget. On each mbo culture card, 10.25... 

Advice sought on application and assessment process BIS 25-28

The Culture Council is expected to issue an advice to state secretary Uslu (OCW) in March 2023 on the application and assessment process for the Cultural Basic Infrastructure for the period 2025-2028 (BIS 25-28). This was requested by the state secretary. To arrive at the advice, the council has, among other things, appointed a temporary committee for the part of its advice request that... 

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Uslu: Culture gives life to our lives

State Secretary Uslu (Culture and Media) wants to get rid of the sometimes difficult relationship the Netherlands seems to have with culture. In the Pieterskerk in Leiden, she delivered the 51st Huizinga Lecture. In it, she called for a reappraisal of the important role art and culture play in everyone's life: "Heritage, art and culture: they shape who we are. But that... 

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More cultural cooperation with Ukraine

The cabinet is making Ukraine a so-called focus country in the field of international cultural policy. State Secretary Uslu (Culture and Media) announced this during a consultation with European culture ministers in Brussels. This status will increase opportunities for cultural cooperation, investment and exchange. State Secretary Uslu: 'Especially now, it is important to cooperate on cultural matters as well. Everything from... 

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Millions for libraries

Millions of extra euros will go to public libraries in the coming years. State Secretary Uslu (Culture and Media) wants to use that money to ensure that every municipality has a future-oriented library facility. Specifically, that means filling gaps in the physical library network and expanding the online library. Linked to this, Uslu also wants to establish a duty of care for municipalities,... 

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The power of creativity - culture at the heart of society

Making culture more accessible, fairer remuneration for cultural and creative professionals, and making more use of creative brainpower in major social issues. These are key principles of cultural policy in the coming years. The Council of Ministers has approved the Long-term Letter on Culture by State Secretary Uslu (Culture and Media). In this letter, titled 'The power of creativity', the state secretary sets out how she will... 

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