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Culture Press writes about art and art policy. We also write about the weird things that sometimes happen to, around and in the art world. We are quite unique in this. Indeed, since 2009, this network of readers, opinion leaders and professional journalists has played a crucial role as a watchdog of the arts sector and cultural politics.

Our journalism is at its best when we bring to light those issues that are no more than a sidenote in the 'big' media because they take place too deep in the region or are about too small a niche. As far as we are concerned, 'the region' cannot be far enough away, or the niche cannot be small enough. Authors are free to indulge their own specialism.

Culture Press receives no government subsidy and is completely independent. In fact, the Cooperative Cultural Press Agency is a readers' cooperative. Like the TAZ (Berliner Tageszeitung) we have chosen to give readers ownership of the medium. By becoming a member, you can have a say in policy.

No payment button

Culture Press offers all its stories without a payment button. We opt for valuation afterwards. The reader decides what the journalism is worth to him, them or her and can make a donation directly to the author.


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