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Tino Sehgal en Ari Benjamin Meyers zoeken naar de meest intense live-ervaring die mogelijk is op Springdance

Springdance sluit op 28 april af met een opmerkelijk dansconcert. Beeldend kunstenaar en choreograaf Tino Sehgal maakte een bewegingsstuk op muziek van componist Ari Benjamin Meyers, dat uitgevoerd wordt tussen het luisterende publiek.

Het werk van Tino Sehgal is een goed bewaard geheim. Er zijn in ieder geval nauwelijks opnames van bekend. Tijdens het interview zegt Meyers daar het volgende over:

“As a musician I have a different perspective on reproduction. […] It is something that needs to be thought a lot about. I don’t think it needs to be an automatic thing that every piece of music needs to be recorded or should be recorded. I do more and more feel like a lot of work I do needs to be recorded or should be recorded, in the sense that it needs to be experienced live. Tino’s idea that there should not be any recording of his work is a big subject. Also for me.

The question if internet is destroying al that, depends wholly on how you look at it. It might also be helping. As it applies to music, there is a kind of misconception. A recording is like a photograph, while we think it is the real thing. If I take a photograph of a work of art, let’s say of a painting, everybody immediately understands that that’s not a work, but the photograph of the work. In music, somewhere along the line we lost this. Nowadays people really believe that the CD or whatever, ís the piece of music, but it is also just a reproduction.”


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