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Today (Friday 24 September 2010) at Amsterdam's De Balie debate centre, the kick-off of the art world's actions against the 21% cuts to the OC&W budget planned by the new CDA and VVD cabinet, tolerated by PVV.

For those who have not yet found posts about it in the mainstream media: the social netwersite 'twitter' has a handy search function. Those who follow this link will stay abreast of discussions and entanglements

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Today (Friday 24 September 2010) at Amsterdam's De Balie debate centre, the kick-off of the art world's actions against the 21% cuts to the OC&W budget planned by the new CDA and VVD cabinet, tolerated by PVV.

For those who have not yet found posts about it in the mainstream media: the social netwersite 'twitter' has a handy search function. Those who follow this link will stay abreast of discussions and entanglements

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Welcome to the Culture Press archive! As a member, you have access to all, over 4,000 posts we have made since our inception in 2009!

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