The VVD faction in the Senate is threatening to shelve the increase in VAT on tickets for performing arts proposed by the CDA-VVD-PVV cabinet. The Nederlands Dagblad reports this today. According to Associated Press Service editor Laurens Kok is evident from the words of the VVD's group leader in that chamber, Fred de Graaf. We quote:
Acting VVD party chairman Fred de Graaf confirmed that he would touch on the VAT increase in his speech, but would not yet anticipate his position. ''Otherwise there will already be discussion about it. That is not politically useful. I will keep my powder dry for now," said De Graaf, in daily life mayor of Apeldoorn.Sources in the VVD confirm that a way to shelve the VAT increase (from six to 19 per cent) is being busily sought.
The VAT increase will come up for discussion in the first chamber on Tuesday 7 December 2010, when the tax plan of the Wilders-Ritte-Verhagen cabinet is debated. The VVD faction in the first chamber is still looking for a possibility to raise the €90 million revenue expected by the cabinet from the controversial plan elsewhere.
Source : Dutch newspaper