According to the Dutch film press, the French prison drama were Un Prophète and the Pixar animated film Toy Story 3 the best films that were shown in Dutch cinemas this year. Dutch winner is the gritty teen drama Dusk by Hanro Smitsman, the Circle of Dutch Film Journalists announced. This result is the result of a survey of 54 film journalists who each submitted their international and Dutch top three. The election has been held since 2003. It is the first time that two titles finished ex aequo.
This year's international pageant was a neck-and-neck race between three favourites. After being showered with awards at festivals Un Prophète and the commercially highly successful Toy Story 3 ended David Fincher's The Social Network, into the life of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, with the smallest possible difference in third place.
In the Dutch section, the differences were clearer. Winner Dusk had earlier received the Dutch Film Critics' Award at the Dutch Film Festival. Second came the Dutch Oscar entry Tirza, and the book adaptation The happy housewife came third.
Notable was the high score of the documentary Melancholy & Wilderness by Digna Sinke. This film about the impoldering of Tiengemeten, which gradually turns into a moving reflection on life and death, took fourth place in the ranking dominated by feature films. For five critics, it was even the best Dutch production they had seen in 2010.