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Peter Van Straaten wins Inktspot Prize 2010 with strikingly placed crucifix.

'The drawing is literally and figuratively striking, painfully comic and wry: it brings tears and laughter at the same time. The combination of the boy's peaceful pose with the cruel assault on his body lingers in your mind. The print needs no text; it could appear in any European, even global newspaper, so powerful and universal is the drawing'.

With this text, the jury of the Inktspot Prize 2010 praised the print Peter van Straaten made for the opinion magazine Vrij Nederland. Van Straaten was awarded the prize on 11 January 2011, leaving behind the other nominees (TRIK with a print about Geert Wilders as Calimero and Siegfried Woldhek with a print about Desi Bouterse).

Peter van Straaten wins the Inkspot Prize, which is being awarded for the 17th time this year, for the fourth time. The double talent (writer and illustrator) Van Straaten creates illustrations, cartoons and political drawings as a freelancer for The Parool and has signed for Vrij Nederland.
The winning print can be seen at the Politiek in Prent 2010 exhibition, in which 28 artists, each with six prints, are participating this year. After Nieuwspoort, the exhibition can be seen at the Persmuseum in Amsterdam, Café Brasserie Dudok in Arnhem, the Limburgs Museum in Venlo, the Provinciehuis in Groningen and the Stadhuis in Utrecht.
More information at
More about Peter van Straaten's work can be found at

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