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Superior played-in recordings are no guarantee of delivering a reference CD

The Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra currently has an unprecedented luxury: it is releasing CDs on two labels at the same time. How is that possible? The orchestra signed under its own name to BIS Records, the label with which the eccentric owner Von Bahr releases one extraordinary recording after another, while chief conductor Yannick Néze-Séguin is under contract to EMI as maestro in the old-fashioned way. When the RPhO was still led by Valeri Gergyev, hardly any recordings of interest were made. Volge...

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The Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra currently has an unprecedented luxury: it is releasing CDs on two labels at the same time. How is that possible? The orchestra signed under its own name to BIS Records, the label with which the eccentric owner Von Bahr releases one extraordinary recording after another, while chief conductor Yannick Néze-Séguin is under contract to EMI as maestro in the old-fashioned way. When the RPhO was still led by Valeri Gergyev, hardly any recordings of interest were made. Volge...

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