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Bettina Masuch on 'her' Springdance: 'Sometimes you wonder if you want to watch it, but then you watch it anyway....

Bettina Masuch (1964) has been artistic director of Springdance since 2008 and presents its third festival programme this year. We asked the woman behind this leading festival for innovative dance about this season's highlights. One of the performances she describes already makes us very curious: the Japanese street fighters of Contact Gonzo. It could just happen that somewhere between 14 and 24 April 2011, a couple of Japanese will cause a stir at one of Utrecht's A-locations....

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Bettina Masuch (1964) has been artistic director of Springdance since 2008 and presents its third festival programme this year. We asked the woman behind this leading festival for innovative dance about this season's highlights. One of the performances she describes already makes us very curious: the Japanese street fighters of Contact Gonzo. It could just happen that somewhere between 14 and 24 April 2011, a couple of Japanese will cause a stir at one of Utrecht's A-locations....

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