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'Our' New York dodo reviewers saw the Wooster Group's Le Vieux Carré and were thrilled

Admittedly, our method of reviewing (see our contributions on Springdance and The International Choice) is new to the Netherlands, but in the States a few were already doing it. For example, the two hot guys Andrew and Andrew are doing well with their iPhone, thus doing the same as the Dodo with the Kodak Zi8 (No shares, although we would love to be sponsored).
Enfin. They visited the Wooster Group production Le Vieux Carré, which will take place on 11, 12 and 13 June at the Holland Festival can be seen and loved it. And something seems to be happening with a dildo. On 5 May, our reviewer Wijbrand Schaap will go to Antwerp to see what is true about that. Together with the cream of Dutch art criticism. More on De Dodo later.

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