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#HF11 Unadorned, austere and powerful "Flûte Enchantée" by Peter Brook

Papageno showed off without his feathers last night. Indeed, the entire direction of Une flûte enchantée was an unadorned pleasure. Sober. Integral. You can't get a Dutch audience wilder than with such an approach. Compliments, then, to Peter Brook.

The Muziekgebouw aan het IJ hosted the Dutch premiere of Brook's adaptation of Mozart's Die Zauberflöte. The production ran in February with the same cast at his own theatre in Paris, Le Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord. He...

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Papageno showed off without his feathers last night. Indeed, the entire direction of Une flûte enchantée was an unadorned pleasure. Sober. Integral. You can't get a Dutch audience wilder than with such an approach. Compliments, then, to Peter Brook.

The Muziekgebouw aan het IJ hosted the Dutch premiere of Brook's adaptation of Mozart's Die Zauberflöte. The production ran in February with the same cast at his own theatre in Paris, Le Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord. He...

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