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Orchestra members fired without waiting pay? A new collective agreement could cause that

On Thursday 27 October, FNV KIEM, the Nederlandse Toonkunstenaarsbond (Ntb) and NAPK sector orchestras discussed the terms of employment of musicians employed by the Randstad and Regional Orchestras covered by the collective labour agreement of Dutch orchestras.

Out of a total of 11 Dutch orchestras, nine are covered by this collective agreement. The orchestras of the Muziekcentrum van de Omroep and the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra have their own collective agreement. About 1,200 employees are registered with FNV KIEM and the Ntb who have a permanent contract with one of these 9 orchestras. With the 35% cut, about 450 employees will have to be laid off. The friction costs will, depending on the old or new collective agreement, run into the figures anyway. It is still unknown how high.

Negotiations broken off
The negotiations broke down at the time because the employers did not accept the proposal by FNV KIEM and the Ntb to extend the existing collective agreement for Dutch Orchestras unchanged until 1 July 2012. This is because this collective agreement includes the rights of musicians regarding unemployment benefits and above-standard waiting pay. In addition, the unions simultaneously want to establish a modernised collective agreement in the short term.

FNV KIEM and the Ntb on Tuesday asked NAPK a ultimatum and demanded that the unions' proposals be adopted in their entirety. This ultimatum expired on Friday 4 November at noon. NAPK responded with an invitation to a meeting, which will take place on 14 November. It will then have to be seen whether orchestra members will be neatly disposed of, or will have to take to the barricades.

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