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WWIK transitional regime until 1 July 2012: The grinding of De Kroms teeth echoes to the smallest municipality

The art sector's victory over government policy will last until 1 July 2012. Until then, a transitional scheme applies to artists who were eligible for WWIK benefits until 1 January 2012. This is because this highly successful scheme, under which artists get a chance to build a profitable professional practice at an amount of 70% of the welfare level, had been abolished by the cabinet. Stupid, of course, because it would have been more convenient to extend the scheme to starting entrepreneurs, but because the government finds artists a bit scary, it was not allowed. So then there was the summary proceedings, and the judge ruled that Mr De Krom of Social Affairs had indeed been a bit stupid to suddenly kick out people who already had such a scheme.

So now there will be a transitional arrangement. Artists who had already applied for WWIK benefits before 1 January 2012, including people whose applications had not yet been processed but who would have been eligible, will continue to receive WWIK payments until 1 July 2012. After that, they will still be on welfare, at least if they have not already started their own practice thanks to the WWIK.
Thus, the appeal that the state secretary is going to file against the court's ruling does not put a kink in the cable. Officials at municipalities have therefore been warned: just pay the money. And don't let hard-working artists starve. They might once they are turned into welfare recipients. When exactly that will happen remains to be seen. If De Krom is vindicated in the appeal case, it will be a matter of handing it in immediately, with the benefit already paid not being reclaimed, of course. But it might have to be topped up to welfare level retroactively. Does it still become more expensive for the government?

De Krom's letter can be found here:

Click to access brief.pdf

3 thoughts on “Overgangsregeling WWIK tot 1 juli 2012: Het knarsen van De Kroms tanden klinkt door tot in de kleinste gemeente”

  1. It is a victory, but also a cold comfort. For young theatre-makers, setting up a business is a long haul. You start without name recognition and without a network of theatres to sell your product. You build that up slowly with the successes and failures that are unfortunately part of the business.
    I started this trajectory two years ago with the help of the WWIK, with the prospect of an upward trajectory that, although slow, is steadily climbing towards financial independence. My professional practice is not going to be profitable for the next six months either.
    That is why I am already retraining to become a teacher. Then I can enter the 'New York Model' of working during the day and rehearsing at night. Pity the state-funded HBO education.

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