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The Dodo will once again monitor Brave Dancers

This year, Springdance will be held for the last time. After almost 30 years, it was time for something new, if only because the wind in The Hague is suddenly coming from the right and that is bad for business. At least if you want to show innovative art. That is why, in the course of this year, Springdance merges with Utrecht's other festival of progressive performing arts, Festival aan de Werf, which has also been around for over 25 years. There should be a new merger festival next year, and of course we are extremely curious about it. We at the Dodo.

This year - like last year - we are again tracking as many performances, makers and spectators as possible in order to gain insight for festival visitors and outsiders alike into where Springdance's strengths lie now. That way, we all know what is lost, and what can be gained by collaborating with Festival aan de Werf.

We have familiar dodo faces again: Maarten Baanders, Daniël Bertina and Fransien van der Putt, joined this year by some newcomers: Ruben Brugman, the inventor of the Dance audience award, and Jan Pieter Ekker, who with Daniel Bertina will also check out the whole crossover thing. Because so there is also Visual Art to be seen, this time. That's asking for interpretation.

Going to.

We are currently working out plans. After all, it needs to be even more expert and even more accessible than last year. We desperately need your feedback for this. So follow us as critically and committedly as we follow the festival. Then we will make something beautiful of it together.

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