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Save a museum: make sure you make friends

There are funny answers in the way people sometimes try not to answer a question. As director of Museum Boerhaave, Dirk van Delft managed to rake in a sloppy €1 million from the market. This immediately made him the darling of Rutte's cabinet. After questioning him twice, it turns out that he actually thinks there are too many wild things happening in the performing arts, and that this could be the reason why they have been hit so hard. But we have da...

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There are funny answers in the way people sometimes try not to answer a question. As director of Museum Boerhaave, Dirk van Delft managed to rake in a sloppy €1 million from the market. This immediately made him the darling of Rutte's cabinet. After questioning him twice, it turns out that he actually thinks there are too many wild things happening in the performing arts, and that this could be the reason why they have been hit so hard. But we have da...

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