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'I expect a wonderful interplay, that's the big challenge for me.' STUT gets to work with The Henry Girls #vvu

In about a year's time, the Stut Choir and Irish folk band The Henry Girls will be on one stage. Artistic director Donna Risa: ''I expect a wonderful interplay.''
STUT is a household name. The neighbourhood theatre group has been creating performances with and about ordinary Utrechters, taken from the neighbourhoods, since 1977. In 2010, the theatre group gave birth to the Stutkoor, which is now taking part in the community art lab's exchange project for the 2013 Treaty of Utrecht celebrations. Artistic director Donna Ri...

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In about a year's time, the Stut Choir and Irish folk band The Henry Girls will be on one stage. Artistic director Donna Risa: ''I expect a wonderful interplay.''
STUT is a household name. The neighbourhood theatre group has been creating performances with and about ordinary Utrechters, taken from the neighbourhoods, since 1977. In 2010, the theatre group gave birth to the Stutkoor, which is now taking part in the community art lab's exchange project for the 2013 Treaty of Utrecht celebrations. Artistic director Donna Ri...

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