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'Everyone is happy to be part of something so beautiful.' Stut Choir and Irish performers sing together for the first time. #vvu

Radiant faces and swinging bodies filled the Utrecht Stut Choir's rehearsal room in Overvecht on Sunday. For the first time, the members collaborated with Irish singer Lorna McLaughlin of The Henry Girls and conductors Neil Burns and Anna Nolan of the Inishowen Gospel Choir. On 21 June, the two choirs will join the three Henry Girls sisters on stage at Stadsschouwburg Utrecht.

In high concentration, the group practises the subdued song 'Home' by The Henry Girls, only to ...

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Radiant faces and swinging bodies filled the Utrecht Stut Choir's rehearsal room in Overvecht on Sunday. For the first time, the members collaborated with Irish singer Lorna McLaughlin of The Henry Girls and conductors Neil Burns and Anna Nolan of the Inishowen Gospel Choir. On 21 June, the two choirs will join the three Henry Girls sisters on stage at Stadsschouwburg Utrecht.

In high concentration, the group practises the subdued song 'Home' by The Henry Girls, only to ...

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