Young choreographers Cecilia Moisio, Giulio d'Anna and Melissa Ellberger have been nominated for the Prize of the Nederlandse Dansdagen Maastricht 2013.

Cecilia Moisio gained fame as a dancer in works by Ann van den Broek and others. For some years now, she has also been creating her own work. Juxtapose, the choreography with which she was nominated, is a witty but also biting performance, in which Moisio makes a strong case for women's equal place alongside men in society. Interview with Cecilia Moisio on Juxtapose:
Social engagement also plays a major role in Giulio D'Anna's work. His work is thoughtful, inquisitive, light, biographical and not without humour. Projects such as Parkin'Son, Giambologna 2012 and Choreoroam Europe stood out. His project o o o o o o o o, about relationships, shows wondrous magnifications of everyday themes, of feelings and of how love works in a relationship. D'Anna uses physical means to add something essential to what he wants to convey, things that words cannot capture.
Melissa Ellberger has a circus background. Besides aerial acrobatics, she does breakdance. After working as a trapeze artist at Swedish Cirkus Cirkor for a few years, Ellberger switched to dance at ISH. She also created choreographies for this group, such as Gravetish, which betrays her spectacular background with its splashy character. Her remarkable skills are well displayed in Down on Earth:
The Dutch Dance Days are on 4-6 October in Maastricht. The prize amounts to € 12,000 and is intended to give young talent the chance to develop. Previous winners include the now successful Joost Vrouenraets and Alida Dors. The prize is made available by the Municipality of Maastricht, alongside the Zwanen, the dance awards presented by the Association of Theatres and Concert Halls.