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Help Zwolle get a theatre of the future

"Everyone has a computer in their pocket these days (smartphone or glass) that gives you considerable computing power and communication technology per person. You can use that computing power and technology, to geaugmented adding elements to the entertainment."

Just a response to a question. From a theatre. Because that theatre wants to look ahead: What does the theatre of the future look like? That question states Odeon The Mirror Theatres to the FMT Workforce, the online brainstorming environment of our partner Fast Moving Targets. Odeon and De Spiegel are two theatres in Zwolle. Well-run theatres, but always looking for new opportunities offered by new technologies and developments. In the short term, but also in the long term.

What does the theatre of the future look like? Literally, figuratively and substantively.
- Literally because new technologies offer new possibilities for the construction, design and functions of a theatre.
- Figure by asking what the role of a theatre is and how that function can be fulfilled differently than in a physical theatre?
- Content By going into programming. What do audiences want to see? Old stories, personal or current narratives, ething completely different? And where do you want to see it?
Big visions and small suggestions are welcome. What would you like for yourself? How can new opportunities better serve culture lovers? Give one idea, suggestion or example per answer so others can vote or respond.

Get involved, get thinking! Here!

[For those unfamiliar with the concept of FMT Workforce, companies and organisations post questions and assignments there for a fee that Fast Moving Targets visitors get to work on. Of the thousand euros per question, half goes to Fast Moving Targets for platform, community management, organisation and the like. The rest of the money is distributed to the participants. Whoever contributes more, gets more!] 

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