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Where have they gone: the protest choreographers?

In June, Boris Charmatz comes to the Holland Festival with manger. He introduced the theme of adults touching children at the former papal palace in 2011. A statement on a tricky current issue. Why don't choreographers speak out more often on poignant topical issues?

Pass by new works from the past few months and it strikes you that there are hardly any choreographers among them protesting against anything. Everyone seems to be fine with the co...

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Ruben Brugman

writing ex-dancerView Author posts

In June, Boris Charmatz comes to the Holland Festival with manger. He introduced the theme of adults touching children at the former papal palace in 2011. A statement on a tricky current issue. Why don't choreographers speak out more often on poignant topical issues?

Pass by new works from the past few months and it strikes you that there are hardly any choreographers among them protesting against anything. Everyone seems to be fine with the co...

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