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Proceeds from 30 years of Art and Kitsch, or too the rare pen candlestick that served as a toilet roll holder

In the end, homo calculus - and who isn't, a "calculating man" - turns out to be primarily concerned with the monetary value of art objects, and only then - sometimes a long time later - with their beauty, artistic value or rarity. Every episode of the television programme Between Art and Kitsch demonstrates this. It also applies to the exhibition 30 years of Tussen Kunst en Kitsch in 101 discoveries, at the Amersfoort museum Flehite, where 101 art objects are on display....

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In the end, homo calculus - and who isn't, a "calculating man" - turns out to be primarily concerned with the monetary value of art objects, and only then - sometimes a long time later - with their beauty, artistic value or rarity. Every episode of the television programme Between Art and Kitsch demonstrates this. It also applies to the exhibition 30 years of Tussen Kunst en Kitsch in 101 discoveries, at the Amersfoort museum Flehite, where 101 art objects are on display....

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