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Standoffishness in Peeping Tom's Father at Dutch Theatre Festival

A Korean in a military suit singing karaoke, a crotchety dancer mewling with her knees kneading the floor, eight elderly people sweeping in and a son who turns out to be the father. Don't try to interpret this performance, the line of believability is miles behind you. Welcome to Father.

'Nothing can be taken for granted anymore, boundaries are blurring, the old is shaking on its foundations.' Such is the dynamic that is occupying the Dutch Theatre Festival this year. Father of Peep...

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Ruben Brugman

writing ex-dancerView Author posts

A Korean in a military suit singing karaoke, a crotchety dancer mewling with her knees kneading the floor, eight elderly people sweeping in and a son who turns out to be the father. Don't try to interpret this performance, the line of believability is miles behind you. Welcome to Father.

'Nothing can be taken for granted anymore, boundaries are blurring, the old is shaking on its foundations.' Such is the dynamic that is occupying the Dutch Theatre Festival this year. Father of Peep...

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