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#IFFR Tigercheck (1): Mythical tales and charming doubts

A smaller, compact Hivos Tiger competition as IFFR's main innovation this year. Eight titles that should show what the festival stands for. According to festival director Bero Beyer, the Tigers do not have to be perfect, but they must be filmmakers with their own voice, something Rotterdam wants to nurture. Is the Tiger roaring again? Were we surprised, confused, touched, shocked?

At least Fiona Tan's Dutch Tiger History's Future did not disappoint, as seen here...

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Leo Bankersen

Leo Bankersen has been writing about film since Chinatown and Night of the Living Dead. Reviewed as a freelance film journalist for the GPD for a long time. Is now, among other things, one of the regular contributors to De Filmkrant. Likes to break a lance for children's films, documentaries and films from non-Western countries. Other specialities: digital issues and film education.View Author posts

A smaller, compact Hivos Tiger competition as IFFR's main innovation this year. Eight titles that should show what the festival stands for. According to festival director Bero Beyer, the Tigers do not have to be perfect, but they must be filmmakers with their own voice, something Rotterdam wants to nurture. Is the Tiger roaring again? Were we surprised, confused, touched, shocked?

At least Fiona Tan's Dutch Tiger History's Future did not disappoint, as seen here...

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