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The Cultural Diversity Code is a great start, but remains a hollow phrase

Tomorrow, Culture in View, the annual OCW conference for the cultural sector, is dedicated to diversity. Although the topic was already raised by Rick van der Ploeg in the late 1990s, diversity within the cultural sector anno 2016 still lags far behind the changing demographic composition of the population. Diversity should no longer remain just an agenda item. Under the motto: Not words but... diversity! we call the cultural sector to action.

Action is needed. Almost 22% of the population has at least one parent born abroad. One would expect the six state-subsidised cultural funds to reflect society. Only 9.5% of their staff, committee and supervisory board members have a foreign background. Half as many as the street scene. The Culture Council counts a paltry 6.5% advisers from other backgrounds, the Academy of Arts even less, 4%. If these percentages were filtered out to staff from non-Western backgrounds, they would be even lower. It is not just those who distribute the money who are too white; so are the creators, the offerings and the audiences. Too often we hear, "With everything made and shown, I think: this is not about me".

The cultural sector is not future-proof if it fails to reach diverse audiences. When it cannot show different perspectives and artistic pluralism. If it continues to consist of predominantly indigenous creators and organisers.

To avoid getting stuck in good intentions, we - a diverse group of cultural professionals - call for action:

Government funds, you are not doing enough.

Don't lean back, but start an active outreach programme - as before with The Art of Impact - with labelled budget to promote diversity in supply and reach. Inspire challenging projects, scout new initiatives, share best practices and facilitate new partnerships. Go the extra mile to support these projects.

Sector, look in the mirror!

You often claim to be the vanguard, but you have been severely behind for years. Are you still in touch with today's society? Programmers, don't be lazy, but encourage your audience to look beyond their nose. Surprise them with talented creators, with new stories. Make strategic connections and lower your threshold so that your audience swells with those you have neglected for years. If you don't have the expertises in-house, hire them. Dare to take a critical look at your human resources policy too: do we keep choosing people who look like us or do we dare to take the next step?

Makers, diversity must be allowed

at the heart of your working practice and artistic process. More than percentages, diversity is about curiosity and artistic innovation. Expand your network and sources of inspiration. Especially in these times of growing segregation, it is necessary to record the story of this era from different perspectives.

Cultural education, make diversity one of the themes

within your projects so that they become accessible and appealing to all students. Through education, you reach future audiences, your future creators, your vitality. Nurture it! Arts colleges, connect with the MBO and coach coloured talent to the top. The higher the courses, the fewer culturally diverse students; this can really change.

Minister Bussemaker, the Cultural Diversity Code is a nice start, but remains a hollow phrase.

It is often referred to but results are omitted. Link an enforcement mechanism to the code, attach consequences to scores. Ask the Council of Culture for a thoughtful opinion in this area and .... invite us to the ministry to actively think along.

Also on behalf of LinC (Leadership in Culture network):

Marjorie Boston, Klaartje Bult, Paul Cornelissen, Pien van Gemert, Matthea de Jong, Gabbi Mesters, Myriam Sahraoui

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