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Why Sebastian Lelio does not give his trans film Una mujer fantástica an LGBT label

With gender issues in the spotlight, Chilean director Sebastian Lelio's Una mujer fantástica comes just at the right time. A trans film about young transgender woman Marina fighting to be allowed to be there, a terrific lead role by trans actress Daniela Vega. Actually, I have overused the term 'trans' three times now. Because, it soon becomes clear when I sit down with Lelio at the Berlin festival along with a few more journalists, the filmmaker has we...

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Leo Bankersen

Leo Bankersen has been writing about film since Chinatown and Night of the Living Dead. Reviewed as a freelance film journalist for the GPD for a long time. Is now, among other things, one of the regular contributors to De Filmkrant. Likes to break a lance for children's films, documentaries and films from non-Western countries. Other specialities: digital issues and film education.View Author posts

With gender issues in the spotlight, Chilean director Sebastian Lelio's Una mujer fantástica comes just at the right time. A trans film about young transgender woman Marina fighting to be allowed to be there, a terrific lead role by trans actress Daniela Vega. Actually, I have overused the term 'trans' three times now. Because, it soon becomes clear when I sit down with Lelio at the Berlin festival along with a few more journalists, the filmmaker has we...

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