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Number of film festivals down 20 per cent last year. Amsterdam still leading with 47 film festivals.

Where can you indulge as a film lover in the Netherlands? With 54 festival editions in 2017, North Holland appears to be the province where you can enjoy film festivals most often. Amsterdam takes the crown with a whopping 47 film festival editions, according to a study by the Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA).

Lecturer Harry van Vliet of the Crossmedia lectureship at the HvA's Faculty of Digital Media and Creative Industry, mapped film festivals, among others, for his Festival Atlas 2017. ...

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Where can you indulge as a film lover in the Netherlands? With 54 festival editions in 2017, North Holland appears to be the province where you can enjoy film festivals most often. Amsterdam takes the crown with a whopping 47 film festival editions, according to a study by the Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA).

Lecturer Harry van Vliet of the Crossmedia lectureship at the HvA's Faculty of Digital Media and Creative Industry, mapped film festivals, among others, for his Festival Atlas 2017. ...

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