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LKCA: First estimate: corona damage cultural associations already at least 12 million 

The damage caused by the corona crisis for cultural associations, such as music societies and choirs, is already expected to be at least 12 million euros. This is according to an initial inventory conducted last week by KNMO, Koornetwerk Nederland, Raad van 12 and LKCA.

In the cultural sector, sector-wide impact assessments are currently being carried out and presented to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. The aim is to see whether the proposed support measures for cultural se...

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The damage caused by the corona crisis for cultural associations, such as music societies and choirs, is already expected to be at least 12 million euros. This is according to an initial inventory conducted last week by KNMO, Koornetwerk Nederland, Raad van 12 and LKCA.

In the cultural sector, sector-wide impact assessments are currently being carried out and presented to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. The aim is to see whether the proposed support measures for cultural se...

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