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'This new law means even more obstacles and restrictions for visiting culture.'

Honourable members of the House of Representatives,
It is with great concern that we are looking at the temporary testing bill that will be voted on in your chamber on Tuesday 11 May.
This new law means even more hurdles and restrictions on visiting culture. Restrictions that will be introduced but with no end date given. This new testing law may be a godsend for festivals and mass events like sports matches where many people gather in close proximity, but means the death knell for museums, the...

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Honourable members of the House of Representatives,
It is with great concern that we are looking at the temporary testing bill that will be voted on in your chamber on Tuesday 11 May.
This new law means even more hurdles and restrictions on visiting culture. Restrictions that will be introduced but with no end date given. This new testing law may be a godsend for festivals and mass events like sports matches where many people gather in close proximity, but means the death knell for museums, the...

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