There is a huge amount happening in theatre, this summer, as many summer festivals have special corona editions where they show a lot of what was made in attic rooms last year during the forced closure of theatres. One such show was Die Hexe, by Club Gewalt, a fresh point theatre band/theatre collective that is/was showing at Theatre Festival Boulevard this summer. Nerd 1, Marijn Lems, knows a few members personally, Wijbrand Schaao, Nerd 2, wrote a not-so-enthusiastic review of their performance. He thought it was all far too light-hearted, while the theme, witchcraft and fear of female liberation, needs quite a firm approach.
Reason enough to exchange thoughts on it with the makers themselves, so we called them and it yielded a remarkably enlightening conversation, even though the entire team - including unborn offspring - were in a car on their way to Den Bosch. Just before they drive into the car park, we talk about lightness, heaviness, punk and Rammstein. And about how hard it is to search for a tone when you don't have an audience.
Attached is the article it was started about
Why laughter is best left to us more often: Joseph Toonga teaches theatre rage #tfboulevard