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CALL: Are you an independent entrepreneurial artist in Amsterdam and have you been or are you affected by the consequences of the corona crisis? Then the UvA is looking for you!


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A request came in from the University of Amsterdam. After all, they like to get in touch with independent artists. Only from Amsterdam, admittedly, but still. We share the main part of the request here.

Research on self-employment in times of crisis

The corona crisis has (had) a major impact on self-employed entrepreneurs. The University of Amsterdam is investigating the consequences of the corona crisis for independent entrepreneurs in Amsterdam and the effects of government support measures such as the Tozo. If you are active in Amsterdam as an artist, we are curious to hear about your experiences.

How does it work?

In a personal interview, we would like to hear your experiences as a self-employed person in times of crisis. What impact has the corona crisis had on your self-employment? Have you resorted to government support measures and what are your experiences with them?

We are happy to make an appointment at a time that suits you best, physically or online, (week 39 to week 42). The interview takes about 1 hour.

As we really appreciate your contribution to the survey, you will receive a gift voucher worth €25 at the end of the interview.

What will the research results be used for?

Your participation in this survey will help us gain more insight into the impact of the corona crisis on self-employed entrepreneurs and the effectiveness of government policy. Based on this, the city of Amsterdam, as well as the central government, can draw lessons for future policies for self-employed entrepreneurs. In this way, we can ensure that independent entrepreneurs who are severely affected by a crisis can be properly supported in the future.

Anonymity & privacy

Anonymity and privacy are very important to us. The information you provide us in the interview will therefore remain strictly confidential. In no way will information or personal data from or about you be shared with others or disclosed in a way that would allow anyone to recognise you. We do this by making your data anonymous before it is further processed and the results are made public.

Registration and questions

If you are willing to participate in an interview, please send an e-mail to researcher R. Blokker or call us on 020 - 525 8649. If you have any questions about the survey first, you can also email or call us.

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