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Ksenia with theatre performance on the trail of the liberator.


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Lest we ever forget, the Netherlands also needed help to become free.

Ksenia tours the Netherlands with her theatre show 'They Saw War', playing on liberation commemorations. Or on days when a town, village or hamlet was liberated in 1945. She follows the trail of the liberators.

In 75 minutes, Ksenia takes the viewer into the lives of six people. They have two things in common: they have to make a choice and they have good intentions. Ksenia performs six short stories and sings their songs. Changing clothes happens on stage, the lights never go out and the curtains never close.

They Saw War will be played as part of commemorations in Nieuw-Weerdinge and Wageningen (4 May). The reprise tour follows the trail from Emmen to the martial valley near Zwolle to end in Amsterdam via the Betuwe on 9 May, as that was the day our capital was formally liberated in 1945.

Ksenia was born in Kharkiv in eastern Ukraine, then part of the Soviet Union. She fled that country to find her home in the Netherlands after wandering. They Saw War is her third solo theatre performance.

All profits from the reprise tour will benefit educational projects for Ukrainian orphans.

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