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Spoorpark new festival heart of Festival Circolo


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A super big park in the middle of the city. Festival Circolo will move to Tilburg's Spoorpark in October 2022. With the festival heart in the Spoorpark and various satellite locations in the city centre, it will be one big circus party in Tilburg for ten days. With this move, Festival Circolo opts for a location in the middle of the city.

The Spoorpark is the largest civic initiative in Benelux and has been embraced in Tilburg as the hotspot for recreation, sports and events. This dynamic spot a stone's throw from Tilburg Station will be the new home of Festival Circolo. By moving to the Spoorpark, Festival Circolo chooses a position right in the middle of city life. The Spoorpark is easily accessible, also by bus and train. Moreover, the Spoorpark has a city campsite where artists and visitors can stay with their caravans.

"The Spoorpark is a super dynamic and vibrant place. The energy of the (urban) athletes, tourists and urban recreationists who visit the Spoorpark daily attracts us. The Spoorpark offers us more connection with organisations in the Spoorpark, the neighbourhood, theatres in the city centre and entrepreneurs in the city. We hope to introduce more people to contemporary circus at this venue. Because we absolutely disagree that circus is something of the past. We have been welcomed by the Railway Park with open arms. We can't wait to set up our tents here in October and welcome artists and audiences," says festival director Marc Eysink Smeets.


About Festival Circolo 

Festival Circolo is the largest circus festival in the Netherlands. From 21 to 30 October, we present ten days of circus of the highest level. The festival heart is in Tilburg's Spoorpark. There you will find several circus tents, food trucks, play equipment and an outdoor stage where free circus performances can be seen daily. Performances can also be seen at other locations in the city.

Festival Circolo is for everyone who wants to treat their senses to beauty, spectacle, and excitement. The hearing-impaired and the hard of hearing, the visually-impaired and the handicapped, 4 or 104 years old: there is a place for everyone at our festival. Circus is a universal language that transcends all barriers and borders and is therefore accessible to all.

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