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Deirdre Carasso appointed as member of Culture Council


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Ms Drs Deirdre Carasso is appointed as a member of the Council for Culture. The Council of Ministers has agreed to this on the proposal of State Secretary Uslu of Culture and Media. The appointment will take effect on 1 July 2022 for a period of four years.

Deirdre Carasso. Photo provided by Council for Culture

Deirdre Carasso studied Art History at the University of Amsterdam and Archivistics A at the Rijksarchiefschool. She has been director-director of the Utrecht Library since 2020. Previously, she served as director-director of the Stedelijk Museum Schiedam and worked at Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen in Rotterdam and the Nationaal Archief in The Hague, among others. She is currently a member of the Supervisory Board of Scapino Ballet Rotterdam. She will resign the latter position, as it cannot be combined with membership of the Council for Culture.

Deirdre Carasso on her appointment: "From my experience, I like to contribute to bringing culture close to people. It is an honour to do so together with the other councillors. The focus area museums and visual arts can count on my special attention in this regard."

The Council for Culture further consists of the following members: Kristel Baele (chair), Stef Avezaat, Lennart Booij, Erwin van Lambaart, John Olivieira-Siere and Ellen Schindler.

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