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Brand new award for translated children's and youth books


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Together with the CPNB and the ILFU, the translation magazine Filter will introduce a brand new prize in 2023: the Filter Translation Prize for children's and youth books. With this, all parties underline the great importance of good translations and good children's book translators. The prize money is the same as for the existing Filter Translation Prize: 10,000 euros. The nominations will be announced in June 2023.

The first Filter Translation Prize for children's and youth books will be awarded at the annual Filter evening during the ILFU - International Literature Festival Utrecht, taking place from 22 September to 7 October 2023.

The jury of the Filter Translation Prize 2023 for translated children's and youth books consists of Anne van Buul (lecturer-researcher), Nathifa Elshot (bookseller), Enne Koens (writer), Daan Stoffelsen (reviewer) and Eva Wissenburg (translator).

Anne van Buul is a teacher-researcher at de Kempel University of Applied Sciences in Helmond. There, she leads and initiates (research) projects aimed at promoting reading among prospective teachers.
Anne van Buul is a teacher-researcher at de Kempel University of Applied Sciences in Helmond. There, she leads and initiates (research) projects aimed at promoting reading among prospective teachers.

Daan Stoffelsen is web editor at Athenaeum Bookstore, reviewer and essayist. He was editor of De Revisor and jury member for the Boekenbon Literatuurprijs and also writes about children's books.(photo: Peter Arno Broer)

Nathifa Elshot is one of the founders of the Bijlmer Bookstore and translator of the book Zó Veel. She is also involved in several social initiatives and an educational worker.
Nathifa Elshot is one of the founders of the Bijlmer Bookstore and translator of the book Zó Veel. She is also involved in several social initiatives and an educational worker.

Eva Wissenburg is a French-Dutch literary translator and editorial board member of Filter. She has translated works by Clémentine Beauvais, Albert Camus, Éric Chevillard and Cécile Wajsbrot, among others.
Eva Wissenburg is a French-Dutch literary translator and editorial board member of Filter. She has translated works by Clémentine Beauvais, Albert Camus, Éric Chevillard and Cécile Wajsbrot, among others.

Enne Koens writes drama, prose and songs. She gained fame with children's novels such as Sammie and grandpa and Ik ben Vincent en ik ben niet bang. Originally a playwright, she wrote for various theatre groups.
Enne Koens writes drama, prose and songs. She gained fame with children's novels such as Sammie and grandpa and Ik ben Vincent en ik ben niet bang. Originally a playwright, she wrote for various theatre groups. (photographer Reinout Brockeneur)

Filter Translation prize for children's and youth books
The prize money is 10,000 euros, made available by the CPNB (Stichting Collectieve Propaganda van het Nederlandse Boek). The CPNB hereby expresses the importance it attaches to good translations and translators of children's and youth books for readers up to 15 years of age. The prize is awarded in cooperation with the ILFU by Stichting Filter and is a reward for the translator's creativity in solving translation problems arising from the particular, special nature of the work to be translated. and

ILFU - International Literature Festival Utrecht
22 September - 7 October 2023
ILFU is the largest literature festival in the Netherlands as well as a daily online platform for literature. Recurring festival elements are the Book Talks with international and national authors, Exploring Stories: writers on urgent contemporary themes, Young Adult Literature Festival Utrecht (YALFU), programmes around writers from the literary heritage and programmes for new talent such as the NK Poetry Slam. The festive 40th edition of The Night of Poetry in 2023 marks the festive conclusion of the festival.

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