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Before we forget everything: this is how the new Chamber president thinks about culture

"In the short term, the threat comes from black-racial activists and their leftist slaves. A very small group of activists with an obsession with skin colour have opened the frontal attack on the symbols of Western culture. They claim to speak for all of black Holland. This must eventually end in reparations because of slavery and job quotas against whites, as in South Africa under the ANC with 118 anti-white racial laws."

Speaking is the new Speaker of our national parliament, the House of Representatives, elected by 75 MPs on 14 December 2023. Martin Bosma, whom we are talking about here, spoke the words quoted above during a committee meeting on 19 November 2018. 

He had yet to get going, as he spoke a moment later: "Chairman. It is downright shocking to note that the elites of the Netherlands blindly adopt the worldview of radicals. The leading circles of the media, the universities, the subsidy system, the administrative elite, the judiciary, the top civil servants, the churches et cetera; they all run after it. The elites see in Black Pete something of the tokkies, the underclass, the rabble, the plebs, the deplorables, something to be fought. The culture war is first and foremost a form of class warfare. By extension, the state has been waging a rock-hard war against Black Pete for years." 

Bosma cancelled?

It was November 2018 and after this tirade we at Culture Press have definitely stopped calling Bosma´s contributions to the culture debates in the Lower House. He may now call this in-camera cancel culture, but of course that is a bit weird when you have just taken control of the most powerful position in Dutch politics.

In the debates we have covered over the past 15 years, Bosma's efforts as culture and media spokesman of the extreme right-wing PVV were invariably directed against everything (multi)cultural, left-wing, academic and suburban. In doing so, he usually struck the tone of the schoolyard bully, who, especially at the beginning of Wilders' rise, during Rutte ! and 2, had it in for the left-wing parties, who after all, nicely cooperated in austerity measures, especially at the local level. We quote a 2012 gem: "Leftist hypocrisy knows no bounds. The Labour Party sailed a little on the cheap populism of the arts sector, aimed at short-term electoral gain. That is why they embraced the March of Civilisation, a name that implies you are apparently uncivilised if you oppose art subsidies." 


So later it became mainly black piet and the slavery past, and his enormous love for Afrikaans. Also, the unrest caused by Pegida was mainly the fault of the 'left'. 

Let's add another one, from that same consultation from November 2018: "Secretly and underhandedly, they are trying to demolish our heritage. It is all done secretly, without any parliamentary inquiry. The House never wanted to talk about it. Minister Asscher did commit to the Give it up 4 Ramadan campaign to encourage Dutch people to participate in Ramadan. Ramadan is supported by the government everywhere. The same goes for the Feast of Sacrifice and the Feast of Sugar, with all the misery for children or horribly slaughtered animals. That's all fine, but the Dutch child-friend should get a neck shot. Some population groups are apparently more equal than others. Islamic culture is sacred. Dutch culture can be binned."

Those who want to know even more about what our new House of Representatives boss really thinks can visit our Bosma archive for a small anthology:

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Wijbrand Schaap

Cultural journalist since 1996. Worked as theatre critic, columnist and reporter for Algemeen Dagblad, Utrechts Nieuwsblad, Rotterdams Dagblad, Parool and regional newspapers through Associated Press Services. Interviews for TheaterMaker, Theatererkrant Magazine, Ons Erfdeel, Boekman. Podcast maker, likes to experiment with new media. Culture Press is called the brainchild I gave birth to in 2009. Life partner of Suzanne Brink roommate of Edje, Fonzie and Rufus. Search and find me on Mastodon.View Author posts

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