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Back to the time when you explored the world with an open mind - The Silence


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Blikvangers - performance for children aged 1 to 6 years

In the beginning, the world was uninhibited. Life was so pristine that curiosity did not suffer from fear or anger.
Like the open gaze of one who looked at the world, it was that pristine.
The sound of water, the flow of movement, nature was wordless.
Discovery was a breeze. Every touch was the beginning of an adventure.
Two dancers and a musician go back to those beginnings with unusual instruments and unusual encounters, which become natural because they are there.
Blikvangers is especially for children from the age of 1. de Stilte believes that you cannot get in touch with theatre early enough. Because theatre is imagination, opening your sights and discovery.  

The premiere of Eye-catchers is on Sunday 4 February in the Breda's own Theatre of Silence and then tours the Netherlands and Belgium.

Blikvangers is a performance for children, their parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters and supervisors. Young spectators are allowed to sit close to the dance floor on soft rugs, so they can see and hear everything clearly. Gradually, the audience is drawn into the performance. Just as organically, at the end, everyone is invited to play with the performers. The makers hope that children and adults, enriched by a shared experience, will continue to carry the performance with them when they say goodbye to the theatre. 
Maker Helene Jank is a singer, multi-instrumentalist, composer and creator of contemporary musical theatre. In Blikvangers, she plays the berimbau and brings to life all objects that produce sound. 
The dance will be performed by Elvedin Šiljdedić and Donna Scholten or Ivar Draaisma and Chiara Aldorisio. 
Choreographers Gertien Bergstra and Femke Somerwil of de Stilte developed this performance as part of European collaboration Mapping. This project investigates internationally how young children experience the world of theatre. A total of eighteen companies from seventeen different countries are taking part.

About Wait a minute - previous performance by Gertien and Femke

'Breda-based dance company de Stilte presents a unique performance that gives a new dimension to the designation "for the very young"' - Martijn Schraven - BN DeStem'

Credits Blikvangers

Blikvangers was developed as part of the MAPPING project.

Concept: Helene Jank, Gertien Bergstra and Femke Somerwil
choreography: Gertien Bergstra, Femke Somerwil
Music and performance: Helene Jank
Dancers: Elvedin Šiljdedić & Donna Scholten or Ivar Draaisma & Chiara Aldorisio
costumes: Aleksandra Pershay
Design: Bert Vogels
Lighting design: Twan Mensen, Rob Touwslagers

Dance company the Silence

de Stilte travels all over the world from Breda with its productions. From performances at school to small and large theatres. For toddlers, preschoolers, children, adolescents, parents and grandparents. The company emphasises children's fantasy with performances that take children seriously and leave room for their own interpretation.

Playlist Blockbusters

Sat 03 Feb / 10am & 1.30pm - Theater de Stilte, Breda - Try-out  
Sun 04 Feb / 10am & 1.30pm - Theater de Stilte, Breda - Premiere 
Wed 07 Feb / 10.30 & 14.30h - Theater Zuidplein, Rotterdam  
Wed 21 Feb / 10.00h - Theatre Cascade, Hendrik Ido Ambacht  
Fri 23 Feb / 11 & 14h - Theater De Regentes, The Hague    
Sun 03 Mar / 10 & 11.30h - Stadsschouwburg Utrecht, Utrecht  
Wed 20 Mar / 10.00h - Schouwburg Orpheus, Apeldoorn  
Sun 24 Mar / 10 & 11.30h - Parktheater, Eindhoven  
Wed 27 Mar / 14 & 16h - CC Brasschaat, Brasschaat  
Wed 10 Apr / 10 & 11.30h - St. Aegtenkapel, Amersfoort  
Sun 14 Apr / 11 & 15h - Stadsschouwburg de Harmonie, Leeuwarden  
Wed May 01 / 15.00h - IDEA, Soest  
Sun 26 May / 13.30 & 15.30 - Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, Amsterdam  

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