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Announcement full programme 40th Boulevard


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The full programme of the anniversary edition of Theatre Festival Boulevard goes online today at noon. Regular ticket sales start Tuesday 25 June at noon. Friends of Boulevard can buy tickets as early as today. At the same time, the free Boulevard Magazine No 2 will be published, again with many background articles and interviews.

Experience together

Experiencing a spectacle together that exists only in the now; it is an ancient ritual. But what we experience is never the same. Nor what we are touched by. Nor who we are together. However you experience it, experiencing it together remains enjoyable.

This year, Boulevard presents a programme that revives past centuries and already glimpses the next 40 years. You can choose from some 120 performances, concerts and workshops by national and international creators and a large pallet of restaurants, food trucks and several wine and square bars. There is also an extensive free programme again this year, on the Tower stage, in the middle of the festival heart on the Parade. That stage also hosts the new talk show, daily at 16:30. We will close each evening musically at 23:30 with several free concerts on that same stage.

Tickets and detailed information about the performances can be found at www.festivalboulevard.nland in Boulevard Magazine 2, available for free at the den Bosch library, cultural institutions and cafés in and around the city. And on the website:

Theatre Festival Boulevard takes place from 1 to 11 August in 's-Hertogenbosch.


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