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Holland Festival opened in the presence of Princess Beatrix. 


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Tonight, the 77th edition of the Holland Festival opened in the presence of Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrix. 
In the opening speech, festival director Emily Ansenk said that "the world's most urgent groundbreaking performing arts come together in June in Amsterdam.  
It may be here in all its multiformity. When you are 77 years old, and have lived through all kinds of eras, developments and governments, you are flexible and constantly changing. We spring with the times, lead the way and at the same time row against the tide: avant-garde, cutting edge, groundbreaking, distinctive, never mainstream." 

At the Gashouder for the opening performance Rite of Spring carried out three works that fulfilled this.  

Greek visual artist and director Evangelia Kranioti uses Stravinky's masterpiece Le Sacre du printemps as the basis for her film, which she made for the 2023 Festival d'Aix-en-Provence. Kranioti's film is a symbolic reflection on the extremes of Western civilisation in which, to the rousing rhythms of Stravinsky, she fuses beauty and destruction into an intense experience. 

Associate artist of this edition, Brazilian theatre and film maker Christiane Jatahy, used footage from her extensive film archive to create a new film inspired by the composition Music In Common Time By US composer Caroline Shaw.  

As an epilogue, Frank Ticheli's Earth Song performed by Cappella Amsterdam conducted by Daniel Reuss. The compositions were performed by the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Karina Canellakis, and Cappella Amsterdam. The first two works can be seen and heard again on 7 June. 

By associate artist Christiane Jatahy, the following works can be seen at the Holland Festival: 
Depois do silêncio, from 7 to 9 June at Frascati.  
Crossings op 15 and 19 June in Nelson Mandela Park and Noorderpark, respectively. 
Hamlet - In the Folds of Time, from 21 to 23 June at ITA.  
There will also be a meeting with Jatahy on 8 June at de Balie, and an artist talk with two theatre-makers also from Brazil, Janaina Leite (Stabat Mater) and Carolina Bianchi on 23 June at Felix Meritis. 

The Holland Festival takes place from 6 to 29 June at 21 venues in Amsterdam. The full programme can be found at 

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