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Performing Arts Fund publishes decisions on multiannual grants 2025-2028 


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On Wednesday 3 July, the Performing Arts Fund will present its decisions on applications for multiannual grants for the period 2025-2028; 52 festivals and 127 companies, makers (collectives) and ensembles will receive an award for multiannual support from the Fund. The annual total is €7.3 million and €40.2 million respectively. 

The Fund thus invests in the creation of contemporary and distinctive performing arts and in connecting with a wide audience. With the awards, the Fund contributes to the artistic development and accessibility of the performing arts. The whole provides a broad palette of disciplines and generations of creators throughout the Kingdom.

Entry and exit

With the publication of decisions hear 179 applicants that the Fund will honour their plans. Among them 59 makers (collectives), companies, ensembles and festivals that worked in the period 2021-2024 without multi-year support from the State. It is important for the development of the performing arts that new initiatives and makers are given the chance to grow. And the space given to these organisations fits with the Fund's role of ensuring dynamism and flow, in addition to state subsidies through the cultural basic infrastructure. It also means that 73 organisations that currently receive multi-year support will not receive government support in the coming period.


In the choices, artistic quality, significance for the performing arts, audience focus and geographical spread played an important role. In addition, our financial framework was leading. We chose, in the interest of a healthy sector and taking into account large cost increases that organisations face, to increase the subsidy amounts per organisation.

State subsidies in context

"All the submitted plans together reveal how incredibly versatile the performing arts field is across the Kingdom of the Netherlands. In the artistic plans, we read love for tradition and craftsmanship, alongside the drive for innovation and experimentation. We see great social commitment and inspiring strategies to engage current and future visitors." 

Viktorien van Hulst, director director Fonds Podiumkunsten

The announcement of awards within our multi-year schemes coincides with the presentation of the Council for Culture's advice on the grant applications submitted for the Basic Cultural Infrastructure (BIS) 2025-2028 and the announcement of awards for the multi-year grants of the Mondriaan Fund, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, Film Fund, Nederlands Letterenfonds and Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Council for Culture and the State Culture Funds thus underline that they jointly stand for a high-quality, diverse and accessible cultural offering in all parts of the Kingdom.

Read more?

Also read our news release of 3 July 2024 on the publication of the decisions. All opinions and decisions relating to the 2025-2028 multi-year grants, as well as frequently asked questions and the Notes to the decisions, can be found at our website

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