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Joost van Beek

Joost van Beek studeerde Geschiedenis en Journalistiek. Zijn stukken verschenen onder andere in de Volkskrant, bij het Stimuleringsfonds voor de Journalistiek,, de NUK, Stampmedia, Reporters Online en 3voor12.

'Cherish this!': test festival in Biddinghuizen is purging fever dream for small crowd

Hundreds of people hosted, boozed and flirted in the Flevopolder this weekend. As of old, in fact. Were we witnessing a cautious advance for what awaits us later this year, or was the Back to Live experiment an ultra-short flare-up of a life that is far from within reach? Either way, some 3,000 people experienced a... 

Dusty Woo Hah! gets off to a slow start, but after that the audience is overwhelmingly eager

Het hiphopfestival Woo Hah! barstte bij de vierde editie, vorig jaar, bijna uit de voegen. Voor de vijfde editie week het uit naar de Beekse Bergen in Hilvarenbeek. We liepen er een dag rond. ‘Maak die cirkel groter, maak ‘m groter! Grooooter!’. Aan het woord de Nederlandse hitlijstbestormer Ronnie Flex. Ken je hem niet van zijn gigantische hits, dan wel… 

The songs that slap you in the face rock hard in an unguarded moment

In 2016, I was unexpectedly struck by a Beatles classic. So what are the ingredients of perfect pop music? It is August 2016. I am standing with my friend at a ticket office in Liverpool, the British port city that is just as much an open-air museum. It is rather rubbed in on us that this city gave birth to The Beatles. In the harbour, tourists spend the night in a yellow submarine, equally... 

Everyone is welcome at Pitfest. 'Bands playing at our place should be especially hard, or dirty and grimy.'

The Drenthe village of Erica was rocked on the last weekend of April by the cosy noise festival Pitfest. And that attracted a motley mix of people. I walked around there for a day. A golf cart zooms across the roundabout of the 4-star resort in the outskirts of the Drenthe town of Erica. To the right of the tarmac are tightly mowed golf courses, to the left is a plot of land... 

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