Moments for yourself
Major Eddy Posthuma de Boer exhibition at Berlin's Museum für Kommunikation proves major crowd puller
Ilona Verhoeven is schrijver, dichter en collagist. Ze organiseert en presenteert al vele jaren literaire en culturele events, sinds dit seizoen ook de ‘Geisterbühne, Literatur im Verwalterhaus Berlin’. Bij uitgeverij In de Knipscheer verschenen van haar hand 'Voor de eerlijke vinder' (verhalen en collages), 'Fiets onder de waterspiegel (verhalen en foto's uit de werkelijkheid) en 'In het licht' (verhalen en gevonden foto's). Op dit moment werkt ze aan een nieuw boek.
Major Eddy Posthuma de Boer exhibition at Berlin's Museum für Kommunikation proves major crowd puller
The art world owes much more to women than museums, galleries, magazines and other institutions portrayed for decades. The Arp Museum in Rolandseck is now making a splash with an exhibition that seeks to equalise the roles of women and men in the Dada movement.
Heartbreaking diary entries from the Ukraine war formed the basis for Nora Krug's new book. 'The drawn image has the power to provide a different perspective on reality.'
The Berlinische Galerie is hosting a major exhibition by Rineke Dijkstra. It portrays her as a photographer who looks beyond the times. For her personally, it is a return to Berlin, where she lived for two years at the invitation of the DAAD in the late 1990s.
With Ben Okri, the Internationales Literatur Festival Berlin (ILB) has brought in the grand master of contemporary literary storytelling. 'See the magic of things around you.'