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About us

The Cultural Press Agency is a Dutch website dedicated to journalistic coverage of culture and the arts. Our mission is to provide in-depth, critical and well-researched articles that go beyond superficial reflections. This can range from reviews and interviews to background articles and opinions.

The aim of the Cultural Press Office is to stimulate discussion on art and culture and bridge the gap between artists, policymakers and the general public. We broach topics relevant to the current cultural and political climate. We also cover topics such as cultural funding, arts policy and the impact of arts and culture on society.

The Cultural Press Bureau exists thanks to donations and memberships. We deliberately receive no subsidy, in order to remain independent. 

Therefore, become member, or donate!

Are you a kind of ANP for culture?

We launched in 2009 with that goal in mind. In the end, we proved to have more reach and impact by communicating directly with readers and the field. Since the name was already established, we kept it that way. Not for nothing do we now mostly carry the more generic name 'Culture Press' on social media and in our newsletters. Now we are the main medium on cultural policy and backgrounds of the arts sector at large.

Why should I pay for your free news?

Paying is not necessary, indeed. After all, many people also think they don't need to pay for culture or art. For the rest: become a member of this unique readers' cooperative.

How many members does Culture Press have?

Currently, Culture Press has around 400 paying members and against 1,500 subscribers to the newsletter. We are no longer active on X and Meta for reasons of principle, but are growing rapidly on Bluesky and Mastodon.

Can I get special attention?

Dat kan: we maken specials, vooral voor festivals en culturele activiteiten die langere tijd bestrijken. In ruil voor een bedrag dat de kosten van journalisten en uitgave dekt, besteden we aandacht aan die activiteit. De kwantiteit bepalen we samen, de kwaliteit bepalen wij, net als de inhoud. Alle artikelen zijn journalistiek onafhankelijk en vrij. Is de inhoud mede bepaald door de opdrachtgever, zetten we dat er luid en duidelijk bij.

Can I submit press releases?

Press releases can be sent to this e-mail address.

What are you doing with my press release?

We go through your press release. If it contains important information for our members and readers, we follow it up. In all cases, we give priority to press releases and invitations from member organisations and individuals. With a Cultural Membership we place you press releases through, and you can submit them yourself on the site.

Who all write for Culture Press?

The list of all the people who have written for Culture Press since its inception can be found at this page.

I want to become a journalist at Culture Press how do I do that?

We are open to new talents and old hands. Publishing can sometimes be commissioned, and always on your own initiative. With commissions, we pay, with own initiative, the readers decide what your story is worth. Read all about it on this page.

I have another question that is not listed here

Use the form below to submit your query:

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Are you a member?

Small Cultural Membership
175 / 12 Months
For turnover less than 250,000 per year.
Posting press releases yourself
Cultural Membership
360 / Year
For cultural organisations
Posting press releases yourself
Private Membership
50 / Year
For natural persons and self-employed persons.
Exclusive archives
Own mastodon account on our instance
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