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Cross-border behaviour still a major problem in music industry

Industry news.

The music industry needs to be safer and more inclusive. The industry itself draws that conclusion after Movisie's survey of nearly 1,000 music professionals. In it, more than 50% of respondents said they had experienced cross-border behaviour during their work in the form of discrimination, aggression or sexual abuse. During Eurosonic Noorderslag in Groningen, Groningen launches Task force GO! a national campaign aimed at music professionals on 19 January 2024. Several ambassadors from the music sector set the tone by speaking out for a safe and inclusive music sector. 
The music industry needs to be safer and more inclusive. The industry itself draws that conclusion after Movisie's survey of nearly 1,000 music professionals. In it, more than 50% of respondents said they had experienced cross-border behaviour during their work in the form of discrimination, aggression or sexual abuse. During Eurosonic Noorderslag in Groningen, Groningen launches Task force GO! a national campaign aimed at music professionals on 19 January 2024. Several ambassadors from the music sector set the tone by speaking out for a safe and inclusive music sector. 
The music industry needs to be safer and more inclusive. The industry itself draws that conclusion after Movisie's survey of nearly 1,000 music professionals. In it, more than 50% of respondents said they had experienced cross-border behaviour during their work in the form of discrimination, aggression or sexual abuse. During Eurosonic Noorderslag in Groningen, Groningen launches Task force GO! a national campaign aimed at music professionals on 19 January 2024. Several ambassadors from the music sector set the tone by speaking out for a safe and inclusive music sector. 
The music industry needs to be safer and more inclusive. The industry itself draws that conclusion after Movisie's survey of nearly 1,000 music professionals. In it, more than 50% of respondents said they had experienced cross-border behaviour during their work in the form of discrimination, aggression or sexual abuse. During Eurosonic Noorderslag in Groningen, Groningen launches Task force GO! a national campaign aimed at music professionals on 19 January 2024. Several ambassadors from the music sector set the tone by speaking out for a safe and inclusive music sector. 
The music industry needs to be safer and more inclusive. The industry itself draws that conclusion after Movisie's survey of nearly 1,000 music professionals. In it, more than 50% of respondents said they had experienced cross-border behaviour during their work in the form of discrimination, aggression or sexual abuse. During Eurosonic Noorderslag in Groningen, Groningen launches Task force GO! a national campaign aimed at music professionals on 19 January 2024. Several ambassadors from the music sector set the tone by speaking out for a safe and inclusive music sector. 
The music industry needs to be safer and more inclusive. The industry itself draws that conclusion after Movisie's survey of nearly 1,000 music professionals. In it, more than 50% of respondents said they had experienced cross-border behaviour during their work in the form of discrimination, aggression or sexual abuse. During Eurosonic Noorderslag in Groningen, Groningen launches Task force GO! a national campaign aimed at music professionals on 19 January 2024. Several ambassadors from the music sector set the tone by speaking out for a safe and inclusive music sector. 
The music industry needs to be safer and more inclusive. The industry itself draws that conclusion after Movisie's survey of nearly 1,000 music professionals. In it, more than 50% of respondents said they had experienced cross-border behaviour during their work in the form of discrimination, aggression or sexual abuse. During Eurosonic Noorderslag in Groningen, Groningen launches Task force GO! a national campaign aimed at music professionals on 19 January 2024. Several ambassadors from the music sector set the tone by speaking out for a safe and inclusive music sector. 
The music industry needs to be safer and more inclusive. The industry itself draws that conclusion after Movisie's survey of nearly 1,000 music professionals. In it, more than 50% of respondents said they had experienced cross-border behaviour during their work in the form of discrimination, aggression or sexual abuse. During Eurosonic Noorderslag in Groningen, Groningen launches Task force GO! a national campaign aimed at music professionals on 19 January 2024. Several ambassadors from the music sector set the tone by speaking out for a safe and inclusive music sector. 
The music industry needs to be safer and more inclusive. The industry itself draws that conclusion after Movisie's survey of nearly 1,000 music professionals. In it, more than 50% of respondents said they had experienced cross-border behaviour during their work in the form of discrimination, aggression or sexual abuse. During Eurosonic Noorderslag in Groningen, Groningen launches Task force GO! a national campaign aimed at music professionals on 19 January 2024. Several ambassadors from the music sector set the tone by speaking out for a safe and inclusive music sector. 
The music industry needs to be safer and more inclusive. The industry itself draws that conclusion after Movisie's survey of nearly 1,000 music professionals. In it, more than 50% of respondents said they had experienced cross-border behaviour during their work in the form of discrimination, aggression or sexual abuse. During Eurosonic Noorderslag in Groningen, Groningen launches Task force GO! a national campaign aimed at music professionals on 19 January 2024. Several ambassadors from the music sector set the tone by speaking out for a safe and inclusive music sector. 
The music industry needs to be safer and more inclusive. The industry itself draws that conclusion after Movisie's survey of nearly 1,000 music professionals. In it, more than 50% of respondents said they had experienced cross-border behaviour during their work in the form of discrimination, aggression or sexual abuse. During Eurosonic Noorderslag in Groningen, Groningen launches Task force GO! a national campaign aimed at music professionals on 19 January 2024. Several ambassadors from the music sector set the tone by speaking out for a safe and inclusive music sector. 
The music industry needs to be safer and more inclusive. The industry itself draws that conclusion after Movisie's survey of nearly 1,000 music professionals. In it, more than 50% of respondents said they had experienced cross-border behaviour during their work in the form of discrimination, aggression or sexual abuse. During Eurosonic Noorderslag in Groningen, Groningen launches Task force GO! a national campaign aimed at music professionals on 19 January 2024. Several ambassadors from the music sector set the tone by speaking out for a safe and inclusive music sector. 

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