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Raymi Sambo

cover I Say Sorry Anyway

'I say sorry' is now a book. Go read it, together. 

"Listening, not always understanding, but trying to go along with (the black) voices ensured that, in my opinion, there was a beautiful text at the heart of the performance Ik zeg toch sorry." If a short preface to a play has as much meaning as this quote by Raymi Sambo, the text itself must offer much more.... 

Urmie Square by Johan Horst

Urmie Plein wins Colombina for her role in I Say Sorry Anyway 

At the Gala of Dutch Theatre on Sunday 17 September, it was announced that Urmie Plein has won the Colombina for her role in Ik zeg toch sorry. The Colombina is a theatre award given annually to the actress who, in the opinion of the Dutch Theatre jury, has performed the most impressive female contributing role. The jury about... 

'I Say Sorry' masterfully makes tangible what a madness our slavery past is.  

Saying sorry seems to be difficult, if the songs about it are to be believed, and if we measure the time it takes Dutch governments to do it. But sorry is also very easy, if you consider how often you are not pushed aside in the queue for something or other, after the word 'sorry' has sounded behind you, or -... 

Theatre group Alum and Raymi Sambo Create performance on slavery history.

Who should apologise for the history of slavery and what happens when apologies are made? Theatre group Aluin and Raymi Sambo Makes are jointly creating the theatre performance Ik zeg toch sorry about the history of slavery. The premiere is next June during Oerol. After the summer, a theatre tour will follow from September to December 2022. I say sorry anyway is an exciting fusion... 

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