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Now we know what Amal's fuss with that watch was about #hf10, a site with journalistic productions by and about the multicultural society was also present at the opening concert and did understand the many cries from the audience. At one point, for instance, there was an incident where Amal Maher apologetically pointed at her - otherwise extremely chic - watch. For a moment, we thought it was about that, but it was about the time she wanted to spend on the present song. So she was going to shorten it, it turns out:

With Al Atlal, a song that could sometimes take hours in Kalthoum's live performance because of the improvisations the diva was putting on, when the otherwise excellent orchestra, really got into its stride at one point, she looked back at the conductor and pointed questioningly and apologetically at her watch; I want to, but I can't. It was a rational interruption in a song that the repetitive rhythms and fragments of text can send you into ecstasy.

Incidentally, World Journalists is moderately positive about the concert:

The long musical introductions that often accompany Kalthoum's songs build up a tension that unloads into a new rhythm and Kalthoum's powerful voice. That long build-up was missing for several reasons such as the limited duration of a theatre performance in the Netherlands and, of course, because it is not common in the Netherlands to improvise for 2 hours on 1 song. Moreover, Maher's voice is not as powerful as Kalthoum's. This is not so bad if it is counterbalanced by a voice of its own, but as mentioned earlier, it was lacking at times. This does not alter the fact that the young Maher definitely performed Kalthoum's songs well, but she could not (yet) take away the desire for a new Oum Kalthoum.

More press votes tomorrow.

1 thought on “Nu weten we waar dat gedoe van Amal met dat horloge over ging #hf10”

  1. Samira Rotweiler

    NPS-cheesehead chops in opening concert #hf10

    It was not Amal Maher who wanted to shorten, but a cheesehead of the NPS television team that was recording in Carré for the live broadcast of the concert. With a breathtaking knowledge of Arabic song, he decided during the performance, that in the most important song, the most important part should be omitted. The pre-prepared paper "schedule" was his sacred guide.

    High NPS-cheese heads should replace this rigid employee with someone with a wide-eyed view and a penchant for mint tea ;).

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