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Museum Belvedere: 'Floods in Pakistan, forest fires in Moscow, a cabinet tolerated by Wilders. How lousy can a landscape be?'

Olphaert den Otter, The Buitenplaats, 2010, egg tempera on canvas/panel, 112 x 210 cm

'In this museum, we so often extol the landscape that for once we wanted to show the destruction, upheaval and impending change of the landscape.' According to Han Steenbruggen, director of Museum Belvedere in Heerenveen-Oranjewoud, it was time for an exhibition showing what war, natural disasters and climate change...

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Olphaert den Otter, The Buitenplaats, 2010, egg tempera on canvas/panel, 112 x 210 cm

'In this museum, we so often extol the landscape that for once we wanted to show the destruction, upheaval and impending change of the landscape.' According to Han Steenbruggen, director of Museum Belvedere in Heerenveen-Oranjewoud, it was time for an exhibition showing what war, natural disasters and climate change...

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