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Taboo perpetuates health problems in music industry

Trouble with your voice? You don't talk about that. Because competition is so high in the music industry, there is a taboo on showing weaknesses. While the consequences would be much smaller if attention was given to it sooner. Time for the Muziek Centrum Nederland to raise the question of where the risks for the musician lie during the music café on 3 March.
After all, the shocking news was almost impossible to miss: Caro Emerald's vocal cord polyp. She needs surgery and ma...

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Trouble with your voice? You don't talk about that. Because competition is so high in the music industry, there is a taboo on showing weaknesses. While the consequences would be much smaller if attention was given to it sooner. Time for the Muziek Centrum Nederland to raise the question of where the risks for the musician lie during the music café on 3 March.
After all, the shocking news was almost impossible to miss: Caro Emerald's vocal cord polyp. She needs surgery and ma...

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