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Die Jahreszeiten, in OT's version, fits perfectly into the Flemish-Dutch Opera Days

Photo: Ben van Duin

In the Netherlands, the view of opera is mainly guided by concert practice. As such, the Dutch approach to this genre differs considerably from what is common in the rest of Euroa. This is evident from the fact that in the past century, investments were made in concert halls that are among the best in the world: the Amsterdam Concertgebouw, de Doelen in Rotterdam. With opera ...

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Photo: Ben van Duin

In the Netherlands, the view of opera is mainly guided by concert practice. As such, the Dutch approach to this genre differs considerably from what is common in the rest of Euroa. This is evident from the fact that in the past century, investments were made in concert halls that are among the best in the world: the Amsterdam Concertgebouw, de Doelen in Rotterdam. With opera ...

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