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#HF11 Audi makes Ayres' funny-grim animal opera 'The cricket recovers' layered and edgy

Composer Richard Ayres signs for the animal opera ''The cricket recovers''. Photo by Hanya Chlala

At last: the opera The Cricket Recovers after the animal story The cure of the cricket by Toon Tellegen is in the Netherlands! The Holland Festival presents Richard Ayres' work, performed by Asko|Schönberg and VocaalLAB under the direction of Etienne Sie...

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Composer Richard Ayres signs for the animal opera ''The cricket recovers''. Photo by Hanya Chlala

At last: the opera The Cricket Recovers after the animal story The cure of the cricket by Toon Tellegen is in the Netherlands! The Holland Festival presents Richard Ayres' work, performed by Asko|Schönberg and VocaalLAB under the direction of Etienne Sie...

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